
Homework is set to review and consolidate learning or encourage deliberate practice. Homework is set once a week and includes Maths, English (Reading, Spelling and Grammar) and consolidation of foundation stage subjects.

A homework club is in operation twice weekly to support children and families. We have high academic expectations so incomplete or missing homework will be taken seriously. When homework has not been done, appropriate action will be taken by the teacher – often in the form of a discussion with a pupil and their parents. Pupils will be asked to complete their homework during morning break or lunchtime.

Homework in Nursery and ReceptioN

We encourage families in Nursery and Reception to share stories with their children as often as possible. This can be done in any language. In Nursery and Reception, the children will be given a task at the end of each week. This will be linked to Maths, English or the work the pupils have been doing on understanding the world. In Reception, we encourage the children to work as independently as possible, although we are aware that some children may need support from their parents.

Homework will be given to pupils on paper as access to digital devices is limited in some households.

The school does subscribe to Timetable Rockstars and Numbots. These are digital resources that can be downloaded as apps on a smart device. These are used in school and can be used at home also. Additional practise on them is hugely beneficial as they provide excellent rehearsal in important foundational mathematical skills.

Times tables rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth

Numbots (year R-2) https://play.numbots.com/#/intro