Safeguarding and Online Safety

Queens Park Academy aims to create an atmosphere in which pupils feel secure and valued.

We are concerned about the welfare and safety of all our students and work to provide an environment in which they feel safe and listened to.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children includes protecting children from maltreatment and ensuring children can grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The Safeguarding Policy forms a key element of our work in achieving this as is the statutory DfE guidance detailed in Keeping children safe in education.

People you can contact in school are:

  • Mrs Bolton – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Who to contact if you have a concern about a child

If you are worried about a child’s safety, please do not hesitate to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputies straightaway.

Bedford Borough Integrated Front Door (children’s social services)

T: 01234 718700

Out of hours – 0300 3008123

If a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 999

Meet the Designated Safeguarding Team:

The Safeguarding Team oversee and coordinate all aspects of the school’s work to ensure that children are kept safe

Designated Safeguarding Lead / Principal: Ms Bolton

Emma bolton scaled 1

DDSL Assistant Principal / SENDCo: Mrs McWatt

Mrs McWatt


DDSL Assistant Principal: Mrs Higgins

Mrs Higgins

DDSL / Family Support Worker: Mrs Qayyum

Mrs Qyaum

Please ensure that you visit our 'Letters Home' page for fortnightly news, including academy updates and safeguarding information.