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Group 667
Group 667

Principal's welcome

Welcome to the Queens Park Academy website. My name is Emma Bolton and I am proud to be the Principal at Queen’s Park Academy. I have the great privilege of leading a team of staff who are dedicated to ensuring that all children develop as a happy, confident and focused learners.

The school serves a diverse and international community with over twenty five different languages spoken throughout the school. The exposure to a variety of differing cultures, languages and religions is celebrated often. The children are proud to be a part of the school community, they work together to learn and support one another to grow and improve. 

Our aim is to provide the children of Queen’s Park with an exceptional, knowledge rich curriculum which enables the pupils to know and remember more over time. The school curriculum is designed to provide plenty of opportunities for learning to be retrieved and rehearsed. Our research-based teaching methods ensure content is broken down into small digestible chunks that pupils can understand. We are determined to ensure that our curriculum offer provides the children with the knowledge they need to continue to be successful as they progress onto their next stage of education.

We encourage learning to continue outside of the classroom through visits to places which enhance the curriculum.  The curriculum is also enhanced through a number of extra curricula clubs which range in focus. In addition, there are a variety of student jobs which we encourage children to strive for. These include eco warriors, reading leaders and World Family house leaders. 

We are proud of our partnership work with parents and the wider community. We believe that parent partnerships are a fundamental part of the children being successful. Our home school agreement shares our desire to work tirelessly to work together for the best possible outcomes.   Work within the community supports the children in understanding the importance of being part civic duty. It enables them to foster and develop an understanding of identity. 

The children behave well at Queen’s Park Academy. We have very high standards of behaviour and conduct and we promote behaviours that allow all children to learning in a calm environment. Our whole school routines enable children to feel safe throughout the school day. 

This website will provide you with information about the school, as well as learning support links. We also have a prospectus that can be downloaded by clicking here.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please come in and see us. The school admin team are ready to help. Many of our staff speak community languages so can support you as much as possible. You can also speak to your class teacher, and if you need a translator we can make the necessary arrangements.

With very best wishes,

Emma bolton scaled 1

Emma Bolton
Nursery applications

Application forms can be downloaded here or collected from the school office.

Apply now
Group 667
Group 667