Behaviour and attendance


All children should know the positive effects of good behaviour choices in school. These allow pupils to concentrate on learning, enjoy lessons and feel successful in class. Messaging from staff will be consistent leading to a predictable and safe learning environment. Children are taught what positive behaviour choices look like. These are modelled and explained by all adults. All new staff follow an induction programme and regular staff training takes place ensuring we are consistent in our approach and evidence led.

At Queen's Park Academy we:

• Make clear our expectations.

• Promote mutual respect and tolerance.

• Encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour.

• Expect our children to listen to and follow adult instructions.

• Set standards through good examples of behaviour.

• Praise good behaviour both privately and publicly.

To encourage the children to make positive choices we use a reward system called ClassDojo. This allows us to award points for specific behaviours and attitudes to learning. Points will be removed as a sanction for yellow/red cards. This is also our primary platform for communication with parents/carers.



At Queen’s Park Academy, we aim to ensure that we maximise the learning and opportunity of every child. In order to achieve this, it is imperative that the school, students and parents work in partnership to uphold the ethos and expectations set out in our home school agreement.

 It is the right of every young person to receive a full time education and the responsibility of parents, pupils and school staff to work collaboratively to ensure that each child has the best opportunity of achieving their full potential.

Research has highlighted the clear link between poor attendance and low academic achievement, stating that ‘failure to attend school regularly can have a major impact on young people’s education, their future and their life chances’ (DFE).

Attendance ladder


Persistent Absenteeism (PA)

Persistent absentees are pupils whose attendance falls below 92%.

No absence below 90% will be authorised unless in extenuating circumstances. Queen’s Park Academy will refer any individual child whose attendance is, or is likely to fall to 90% or below to the Educational Welfare Officer. At this point legal proceedings could follow if pupils and parents do not engage with the strategies put in place to address persistent absenteeism and raise attendance.

The school recognises that unique extenuating circumstances may mean that attendance below 90% is unavoidable e.g. in cases of long term illness where medical evidence has been provided. The school will endeavour to act in the best interests of the pupil/family in such instances and will seek advice from the Medical Needs Team (part of Greys Education Centre) to ensure that pupils are able to access their education as far as is possible.

Absence in term time

The law states that parents/carers do not have a legal right to take their child out of school during term time. Absence due to a trip abroad will not be authorised.Unauthorised absence may lead to the involvement of the Educational Welfare Service and/or legal action.

Parents attendance responsibilities

Parents must:

  • ensure their child is on time to school every day and that their attendance percentage remains in line with the school’s attendance targets
  • notify the school as soon as possible if their child cannot attend for any reason
  • provide an explanation for their child’s absence on the first day and every subsequent day of absence
  • provide medical evidence for their child’s absence if requested
  • request leave of absence in advance of any known unavoidable absence
  • work with the school and Education Welfare Officer to resolve/alleviate any attendance problems
  • attend meetings as required in relation to their child’s attend