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PE and sport play a very important part in our curriculum.

Each class has regular PE lessons – a minimum of 2 hours a week – in the hall or outside, depending upon the weather.  PE is important in the development of physical control, mental alertness and personal confidence.  It also helps children to learn to share, compete and work together. We aim to ensure that all children experience a range of competitive and non-competitive sports, developing the skills and ability to enjoy physical activity and sports.

Physical Education in Key Stage 1 includes gymnastics, dance and multi-skills.  In Key Stage 2, children are also introduced to a variety of competitive sports such as rugby, football, cricket and hockey. We follow the PE Passport scheme of work.

Our PE offer will continue to involve local competitions and tournaments, offering a wide range of opportunities for all children.  It will also include annual sports days when parents and carers will be able to encourage their children in this area of the curriculum,

During PE lessons, children need a school PE kit and appropriate trainers. If girls choose to wear a headscarf, it must be a sports one (shorter than the usual one) – this is for safety reasons.